![]() Canadians Against Pesticides |
Apart from joining our email campaign urging Jean Chretien's Liberals to eliminate synthetic pesticides from use in Canada, help is desperately needed in your very own community. Dozens of grassroots organizations across the country are involved in creating public awareness of the dangers of pesticide exposure. They are also instrumental in urging municipal governments to pass bylaws prohibiting the use of cosmetic pesticides on public and private lands and restricting pesticide use on farms to reduce exposure through spray "drift". Below, you will find a growing list of such organizations. Please contact one near you to get involved locally. If you don't see an organization im your area, email: caps and we will help you find one. TO START YOR OWN LOCAL ORGANIZATION: CONTACT Campaign for Pesticide Reduction (CPR) Ottawa, Ontario Email: sierra@web.net |
B.C. Environmental Network | Vancouver, B.C. | info@bcen.bc.ca |
Cowichan Valley Stop Aerial Spraying Coalition | Duncan, B.C. | powart@cow-net.com |
David Suzuki Foundation | Vancouver, B.C. | solutions@davidsuzuki.org |
East Kootenay Environmental Society | Kimberley, B.C. | ekes@ekes.org |
Georgia Strait Alliance | Nanaimo, B.C. | gsa@georgiastrait.org 250-753-3459 |
Sierra Club of B.C. | Vancouver, B.C. | bw@islandnet.com |
STOP-Society Targeting Overuse of Pesticides | Vancouver, BC | stop@vcn.bc.ca Diane Wharton: (604) 980-1860 |
Stop Overhead Spraying | Vancouver, BC | stopoverheadspraying@yahoo.com |
Stop Overhead Spraying-Victoria | Victoria, BC | stopoverheadspraying@yahoo.com |
Victoria Pesticide Initiative | Victoria, B.C. | ingkhai@pacificcoast.net |
West Coast Environmental Law Association | Vancouver, B.C. | crolfe@wcel.org |
Alberta Environmental Network | Calgary, AB | aen@web.ca |
Fort McMurray Environmental Association | Fort McMurray, AB | Tel: (780) 743-3963 |
Jasper Environmental Association | Jasper, AB | seaton@incentre.net |
Lawns for Kids | Edmonton, AB | naporae@bissa.ecs.edmonton.ab.ca |
Sierra Club - Prairies Chapter | Edmonton, AB | sierraclub@connect.ab.ca (780) 439-1160 |
Toxic Watch Society | Edmonton, AB | toxwatch@ecn.ab.ca (780)413-6930 |
First Nations Environmental Network | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Tel: (306) 966-5556 |
Nature Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan | sfahlman@unibase.com |
Saskatchewan Eco-Network | Regina, Saskatchewan | sen@link.ca |
Saskatchewan Environmental Society | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | coxworth@the.link.ca |
Sierra Club - Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan | sierrask@link.ca |
Regina Pesticide Group | Regina, Saskatchewan | sabest@dlcwest.com tele:306-584-8078 |
Campaign for Pesticide Reduction! Manitoba | Winnipeg, MN | srauh@escape.ca or skidd@mb.sympatico.ca Ian Greaves 1-204-889-6021 |
Chemical Sensitivities Information Exchange Network | Winnipeg, MN | friesen@mbnet.mb.ca
Margaret Friesen 1-204-261-8591 |
Concerned Citizens of Manitoba | Winnipeg, MN | ccc@web.net |
Manitoba Eco-Net | Winnipeg, MN | men@web.ca |
Breast Cancer Prevention Coalition | Erin, ON | liz@ican.net |
Canadian Environmental Law Association | Toronto, ON | cela@web.ca |
Canadian Environmental Network | Toronto, ON | cen@web.ca |
Citizens for Alternatives to Pesticides/ Ancaster Conservation Society |
Ancaster/Dundas/Hamilton, ON | ahealingon@earthlink.net |
CPR!-O Windsor | Windsor, ON | apbshink@mnsi.net |
Citizen's Environmental Alliance | Windsor, ON | cea@mnsi.net |
EcoSuperior | Thunder Bay, ON | lucie@ecosuperior.com |
Environmental Action Barrie | Barrie, ON | eab-bg@bconnex.net |
Environmental Illness Society of Canada | Various | eisc@eisc.ca |
Friends of the Earth | Ottawa, ON | foe@intranet.ca | Gardens Off Drugs | Oakville, ON | gardensoffdrugs@home.com |
Grassroots Woodstock | Woodstock, Ontario | dhsmith@odyssey.on.ca |
Green Communities Association | Peterborough, Ontario | cmaynes@gca.ca |
Greenpeace | Toronto, Ontario | greenpeace.toronto@dialb.greenpeace.org |
Groundswell | Stratford, Ontario | bhenderson@cooperstandard.com |
GROUP (Get Rid Of Urban Pesticides | Kitchener, Ontario | group@cprontario.org |
Hamilton-Wentworth Green Venture | Hamilton-Wentworth, ON | contact@netaccess.on.ca |
Health Dangers of Urban Use Pesticides | Ottawa-Carleton, ON | mclaughlja@rmoc.on.ca |
Healthy Lawns, Healthy People | Bolton, ON | horans@home.com |
International Council for Local Environ. Initiatives | Toronto, ON | iclei@iclei.org |
Londoners Education About Pesticides | London, ON | jpope@wwdc.com |
Nepean Environmental Committee | Nepean, ON | stephani.roy@city.nepean.on.ca |
New Tecumseth Environment Watch | New Tecumseh, ON | nt@cprontario.org |
Ontario Environmental Network | North Bay, ON | oen@web.ca |
Parents' Environmental Network | Toronto, ON | marcieg@home.com |
Pesticide Alternatives for Milton | Milton, ON | p_alternatives@hotmail.com |
Pesticides Beware! | Peterborough, ON | patriciadixon@nexicom.net |
Scugog Green Team | Twp of Scugog, ON | jmcneill@web.net |
Sierra Club - Eastern Chapter | Toronto, ON | eastern.canada.chapter@sierraclub.org |
Toronto Environmental Alliance | Toronto, ON | tea@web.net |
Vaughan Environment Action Committee | Thornhill, ON | 103514.3552@compuserve.com |
Windsor Pesticide Task Force | Windsor, ON | cea@cprontario.org |
York Region Environmental Alliance | York Region, ON | yrea@cprontario.org |
CAP - Citizens for Alternatives to Pesticides | Baie D'Urfe, P.Q. | mhammond@total.net |
Greenpeace - Quebec | Montreal, P.Q. | Telephone: 1-800-320-7183 |
Nature-Action Quebec | Saint Bruno, PQ | info@nature-action.qc.ca |
New Brunswick Environmental Network | Waterford, N.B. | nben@nbnet.nb.ca |
Conservation Council of New Brunswick | Fredericton, N.B. | ccnb@nb.aibn.com |
Sierra Club -Moncton | Moncton, N.B. | nbsierraclub@canada.com |
RATE - Real Alternatives to Toxins in The Environment | Halifax, N.S. | rate@chebucto.ns.ca (902) 479-1440 |
Ecology Action Centre | Halifax, N.S. | EAC_hfx@istar.ca (902) 429-2202 |
Nova Scotia Environmental Network | Halifax, N.S. | nsen@web.net |
South Shore Pesticide Reduction Action Group (SSPRAG) | R.R.#1 LaHave, N.S. B0R 1C0 | ramona@tallships.ca 902-688-2541 |
PEI | ||
Earth Action | Charlottetown, PEI | slabchuk@isn.net |
PEI Environmental Network | Charlottetown, PEI | peien@isn.net (902) 566-4170 |
Community Free of Pesticides Committee | Steady Brook, NFLD | bdiamond@thezone.net 634-3607 |
Humber Environment Action Group | Newfoundland | bdiamond@thezone.net |
Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Network | Cornerbrook, Newfoundland | cbnlen@nfld.net |