![]() Canadians Against Pesticides |
How To Effectively Complain About Pesticide Use Concerns & Violations Mike Christie April 5, 2001 As you prepare to enter another spraying season you will likely encounter situations where you will ask "How can they do that and get away with it?". Depending on the situation there are a number of 'complaint channels' at your disposal. In general you can always go to your local MP, MPP or councillor as appropriate. Keep them informed and ask for their help when needed. You can always address your concerns directly to the source, either on the spot and/or later in writing. You can channel your complaint through through media friendly contacts where appropriate. Letters to the Editor or consumer advocate lines can be very effective. If you see something and intend to file a formal complaint you need to be able to document the facts to support your claim. Having a video camera at your disposal to record the incident in question (i.e. wide speed violation, etc...) is a very good way to build your case file. Record the information from the front and back of the pesticide notification sign. Make a point of becoming familiar with the key points in the federal legislation, provincial regulations and local by-laws, that apply to your community. Here is a partial list of 'complaint channels' that you can consider. You'll need to adapt the list to suit your community. 1.0 Federal Complaint Channels Government of Canada - Industry Canada - Competition Bureau Mr. Konrad Von Finckenstein Commissioner of Competition Business: 819-997-3301 TF: 800-348-5358 Fax: 819-953-5013 50 Victoria Street Hull QC K1A OC9 * This agency deals with misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices. ------------------------- Government of Canada - Pest Management Regulatory Agency - Compliance and Regional Operations Subdivision Mr. James Reid Chief Bus: 613-736-3500 Fax: 613-736-3489 Email: james_b._reid@hc-sc.gc.ca 2250 Riverside Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0K9 * This agency deals with any violations or enforcement of the Pest Products Control Act (PCP Act) --------------------------- Government of Canada - Canadian Human Rights Commission - Legal Services Branch Ms. Maureen Armstrong Legal Advisor Telephone (613) 943-9018 Fax (613) 941-6809 344 Slater Street Ottawa, ON K1A 1E1 * In terms of basic human rights, Canadians have a fundamental "right to life, liberty and security of person", as stated in the Section 7 of the Charter of Rights. This may provoke some considered when dealing with the cosmetic use of pesticides for lawn and garden care. ------------------------------- Consumers' Association of Canada Yaroslaw Zajac Executive Director Bus: (613) 238-2533 Fax: (613) 563-2254 Email: info@consumer.ca CAC National Office 404-267 O'Connor St. Ottawa, ON K2P 1V3 Canadian Consumer Information Gateway * The Consumers' Association of Canada conducts research and advocacy work at the provincial, territorial and national levels. CAC's provincial and territorial offices conduct research and advocacy work on consumer issues that fall under provincial and territorial jurisdiction while CAC's national office coordinates research and advocacy work on consumer issues of national importance. ------------------------------------- 2.0 Provincial Complaint Channels (specific to Ontario) Government of Canada - Pest Management Regulatory Agency - Compliance and Regional Operations Mr. Ross Pettigrew Regional Manager Bus: 519-837-9400 x2112 Fax: 519-837-9773 Email: pettigrewr@em.agr.ca 174 Stone Road West Guelph ON N1G 4S9 * This agency deals with any violations or enforcement of the Pest Products Control Act (PCP Act) ------------------------------------ Government of Ontario - Ministry of Environment - Technical Support Section Mr. Andrew Morley Senior Pesticides Officer Business: (613) 549-4000 x2684 Toll-Free: (800) 267-0974 E-mail: morleyan@ene.gov.on.ca 133 Dalton Ave PO Box 820 Kingston ON K7L 4X6 * The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) oversees The Pesticides Act and Ontario Regulation 914 deals with the use, storage, sale, transportation, disposal etc. of pesticides within Ontario. They also oversee certification, training and licensing. ------------------------------------- Government of Ontario - Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Ms. Deirdre Brennan Manager of Investigations, Investigations Office Bus: 416-326-7777 Fax: 416-325-6192 TF: 800-268-1142 Email: deirdre.brennan@ccr.gov.on.ca 250 Yonge St 33rd Floor Toronto ON M5B 2N5 * This Ministry sets standards of conduct for businesses, promotes consumer rights and investigates questionable business practices. ------------------------------ Government of Ontario - Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Mr. Gordon Miller Environment Commissioner Bus: (416) 325-3377 Fax: (416) 325-3370 TF: (800) 701-6454 1075 Bay Street Suite 605 Toronto ON M5S 2B1 Government of Ontario - Ontario Human Rights Commission Mr. Keith Norton Chief Commissioner Bus: 416-314-4536 Fax: 416-314-7752 E-Mail: keith.norton@ohrc.on.ca Office Of The Chief Commissioner The Dundas/Edward Ctr 8th Flr 180 Dundas St W Toronto, ON M7A 2R9 * Keith Norton, the Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission has stated that individuals disabled by environmental sensitivities must be accommodated under the Ontario Human Rights Code, regardless of any medical or social debate that may surround these issues. The former Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission has made similar public statements. ---------------------------------- Government of Ontario - Attorney General Hon. David S Young Attorney General And Minister Responsible For Native Affairs Bus: 416-326-4000 Fax: 416-326-4016 11th Flr 720 Bay St Toronto, ON M5G 2K1 * The Ministry of the Attorney General is responsible for providing a fair and accessible justice system which reflects the needs of the diverse communities it serves across government and the province. It strives to manage the justice system in an equitable, affordable and accessible way throughout the province. |
3.0 Local Complaint Channels (specific to Ottawa) Government of Ontario - Ministry of Environment - Ottawa District Office Mr. Dan Harrison Senior Environmental Officer Bus: 613-521-3450 x232 TF: 800-268-6060 Fax: 613-521-5437 Email: harrisda@ene.gov.on.ca 2435 Holly Lane Ottawa ON K1V 7P2 The Ottawa Citizen - Action Line Mr.Tony Cote Action Line Columnist Bus: 613-596-3737 Fax: 613-726-1198 E-mail: tcote@thecitizen.southam.ca Box 5020, Ottawa, ON K2C 3M4 Better Business Bureau - Ottawa Hull Ms. Lidia Rubinato Complaints Councillor Better Business Bureau Buss: 613-237-4856 Fax: 613-237-4878 Email: complaints@ottawa.bbb.org 130 Albert Street Suite 603 Ottawa ON K1P 5G4 Project Phonebusters TF: 1-888-495-8501 * Project Phonebusters takes complaints on telemarketing fraud and mail scams. Phonebusters is a joint project of a number of law enforcement bodies including the Ontario Provincial Police. ======================== 4.0 Other Resources The Complete Complainer: How to Complain and Get Results by Jasper Griegson; Paperback; 224 Pages; (2000); Metro Books; ISBN 1900512866 Effective Consumer Complaining: Win - Don't Whine by Ola Kaufman; Paperback; 282 Pages; (1999); Xlibris Corporation; ISBN 0738803790 Complain, Complain, Complain:The Canadian Consumer's Guide to Getting Action by Karen Molson , Illustrator Clive Dobson; Paperback;144 Pages; (1997); Firefly Books, Limited; ISBN 1552090981 Art of Complaining by Phil Edmonston; Paperback; ISBN 0773710639 A Citizen's Guide to Government by Author C. Richard Tindal; Paperback; 2nd edition (2000) Mcgraw Hill Canada; ISBN 0070864160 Consumer World ============================ 5.0 Pesticide Legislation (Complied originally by the Community Animation Program in Atlantic Canada and updated by Mike Christie) "Laws passed by governments are called "Acts" or "Statutes", or legislation. A Statute sets up a framework to control activities. Regulations provide the detailed rules for the framework. Regulations are developed by the bureaucracy and passed by order in Council (the Cabinet). Laws passed by municipalities are called 'by-laws' Federal Legislation - Human Health And The Environment The federal Minister of the Environment is responsible for the administration of the following federal government acts related to environmental health:
The federal Minister of the Health is responsible for the administration of a number of federal government Acts related to environmental health. They may be found at: They include:
Pest Control Product Regulations These regulations require that all pest control products imported into, sold or used in Canada, or used or contained in another control product in Canada be registered. Pest Control Products Act Wesbite: The purpose of this Act is to ensure that pesticides are used and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Under this Act, all products imported, manufactured, sold or used in Canada to control pests must be registered. A pest control product is for health or environmental health risks. Pesticide Residue Compensation Act Pest Management Regulatory Agency The Pest Management Regulatory Agency is a Canadian federal government initiative to provide information on pesticide regulation and registered pesticides. Telephone: 1-800-267-6315 Information Line 2250 Riverside Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9 Fax: (613) 736-3798 E-mail: PMINFOSERV@pmra-arla.hc-sc.gc.ca Pest Management Regulatory Agency's Publications Includes discussion papers, decision documents, regulatory proposals and directives. Provincial Legislation - Pesticides (Ontario Example) Pesticides Act (General - R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 914) |