Oakville group announces forum on urban pesticides
"Turf Wars"
March 7, 2001
707 Galaxy Rd., Oakville, Ontario
call: Mike (905) 847-6326, Tanya (905) 338-5660 or Julio (416) 949-1254
We cordially invite you to attend the first of "People's Forums on
Environment and Health."
In response to concerns voiced by many area residents, Oakvillegreen
Conservation Association, The CAW Halton-Peel Regional Environmental
Council, and Gardens off Drugs are proud to present "Turf Wars," an
environmental forum on urban pesticides.
"Turf Wars" will be held on March 7, from 7 to 9 pm at the 707 Galaxy, at
475 North Service Road, in Oakville.
"...the potential for health problems from pesticides represents an unacceptable risk to humans, and children in particular..." |
The issue of urban pesticides is clearly a matter of great consequence
to us all and we felt it was certainly significant enough to be the
topic for our first forum. In fact, the Canadian Environmental Law
Association and the Ontario College of Family Physicians have written
that "...the potential for health problems from pesticides represents an
unacceptable risk to humans, and children in particular..." and that "
...the potential for the health of children in Ontario to be affected by
pesticides is undeniable....."
We would be pleased to have you to join us on March 7 to find out how
pesticides affect our health and our environment, learn what we can do
about it, and discover what the alternatives to pesticides are. The
speakers for this event include:
Bruce Lofquist, an advocate on behalf of children's health, who is
currently writing a book entitled, Children's Health & Urban Pesticides:
The Hazardousness of Everyday Places & Spaces. Bruce is Executive
Director of Eco-Praxis Inc., a public interest research and resource
centre located in Oakville.
Lori Stahlbrand, a journalist and broadcaster on several CBC news
programs, who has recently co-authored "Real Food For a Change." Lori
has written and filmed documentaries and educational videos on health
and environmental issues. She is currently working with World Wildlife
Fund Canada on pesticide reduction issues.
- Lorelei Hepburn, an entrepreneur who established and runs Ontario's
largest privately owned 100% chemical and pesticide-free lawn care
company, called the Environmental Factor.
- Jim Mahon, chairperson of the CAW Local 1520 Environment Committee and
appointed CAW environmental representative for the St. Thomas Assembly
Plant of Ford of Canada.
We look forward to seeing you on March 7, 7:00 pm, 707 Galaxy! For more
info, call Mike at (905) 847-6326, Tanya at (905) 338 5660 or Julio at
(416) 9491254
Renee Sandelowsky, Oakvillegreen,
Julio Catani, CAW
Tanya Orton, Gardens off Drugs